Thursday, January 29, 2009

You are the Lord, the famous One!

Morning Lord,
Just as that song says you are the Lord, the famous One! You are famous! In my life and in the life of many others. You amazing me everyday. When I'm down and wonder if I've been left-you show up. When I start to not trust you, you teach me how to trust you again. When I feel blue and unloved, you show me the amazing love. I really don't know how people live without knowing you. I was reading in Psalms and was reminded about perspective. Your perspective is so much higher than ours. And I don't know why sometimes I try to take my life in my hands. You can see everything-past, present, future. Thank you for always teaching me patience, trust, and unfailing love. I truly do love you with all my heart. You are the famous Lord in my life! Amen!

Your daughter


Merry Memories said...

Missing your letters to Papa God! You did say you were going to be committed to write at least 4 letters weekly! I hope you are feeling better my love!

Elizabeth Mahlou said...

What and interesting idea: Letters to God. I have read several of them, and I enjoy them. Thanks for posting -- and take care of your health for both you and the baby.